It Doesn’t Matter What Program You Use to Write

Like many writers, I hold a Master’s degree in Procrastination. 

I earned this degree through a variety of means that look productive: research that propels me off of a Google cliff, organizing my space for two hours so that I can work properly, and of course, taking snack breaks. 

So when I get the question of what writing software one should use to get started writing, it just sounds like “how can I add another way to potentially procrastinate?”. The answer if whatever method you already know how to use, especially if you’re just starting out. 

Just use whatever method you already know how to use, especially if you’re just starting out. Ask yourself, which method for me is the easiest, and then use that. Google Docs, Microsoft Word, the notepad on your phone, good old fashion pen and paper. Just use something. 

Yes, there are helpful software platforms like Scrivener that can be incredibly useful down the line. The problem is that spending time learning to use software when you’re already trying to get yourself writing can become a distraction that takes you away from doing the work. 

It doesn’t matter how well organized your words are if you don’t actually come up with any words. There will be a myriad of information available at your fingertips once you’re ready. For now, just write.